iOS Beats Android In Smartphone Loyalty |
A new study conducted by Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) and released to AllThingsD breaks down the brand loyalty of iOS and Android device owners, revealing that Owners of iPhones like their handsets more than Android owners like theirs. Another recent study from the same analytics firm but published by Fortune breaks down Apple and Samsung’s smartphone customers by age, education and salary.
Apple and Samsung’s smartphone customers by education |
Apple and Samsung’s smartphone customers by age and salary |
Twenty percent of Apple's (AAPL) iPhone customers over the past year were switching from an Android phone, but only 7% of Samsung buyers had previously owned an iPhone, according to a new study released to Fortune by Consumer Intelligence Research Partners.
The CIRP report's key findings:
- 42% of Apple's U.S. customers between July 2012 and June 2013 were upgrading from another iPhone
- 43% of Samsung's customers had previously owned an Android phone, but not necessarily one made by Samsung
- Samsung drew more first-time smartphone buyers upgrading from so-called feature phones (37%) than Apple did (26%)
- Among buyers who switched brands, Apple took three times as many from Samsung (33%) as Samsung took from Apple (11%)
- Among switchers, Samsung drew more customers from HTC, Motorola (GOOG), and Nokia (NOK), while Apple drew more from Blackberry (BBRY)
iOS Beats Android In Smartphone Loyalty |
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Saturday, August 24, 2013
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